Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great time ringing in the new year. Bob and I had a blast! We spent the evening with my sister and her husband who spent the night at our house. We started the festivities with a delicious dinner at House of Tricks in Tempe, rode the light rail (I loved it! It felt so hip and urban for Arizona!), and then came home to play cards. However, we had way too much energy to sit still so instead we decided to tee-pee my brother’s house! (he lives across the street) We knew they were at home with the kids and some of our other friends, so we decked ourselves out in our best stealthing duds and headed over to do our toilet paper best.

As luck would have it, they came out when we had only just started and we had to run and hide in the neighbor’s bushes. (how old are we?) I swear my sister and I were laughing so hard! Of course they knew who the culprits were and they went back inside to plan their revenge attack. To further our bad luck, we didn’t know that another neighborhood family was also over there, so all together they had 8 kids jonesing to slaughter our house! Not good!

Fortunately Bob and I do not give up so easily so we hid on the opposite sides of our house and when the kids came I had the front house and Bob had the back and we sprayed the heck out of the kids! It was a hoot! Don’t mind the fact that it was now midnight and freezing outside and the kids’ feet were turning blue! But atleast it was a night they would never forget.

I have to say that we were outnumbered and my ambush plan of the water backfired since the kids were only too happy to be doused. So admitting defeat we went inside and left them to do their worst. And believe me they did! Our house looked hysterical in the morning!

Thankfully the kids came back in the morning to help clean up. Afterwards I raked up a huge pile of leaves from our yard and the neighborhood kids played in it for hours! If you want some free entertainment for your kids, offer to rake some leaves for your neighbors and let the kids have at it!


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