Friday, August 8, 2008


I am so excited for the Olympics to start! I love watching all of the amazing athletes. And, in a time when we could all use a little happiness and something to hope for, what could be better than rooting for our country? My husband and I watched the trials this summer, so we have decided to have an Olympics Games kick off party at our house to watch the opening ceremonies. GO USA!!! Can’t wait! And, even if you don’t particularly enjoy the Olympics, it’s a great excuse to check out Michael Phelps in his swim trunks! Hot, hot, hot! We wish all of our Olympians luck in the next couple of weeks. I can’t even imagine the dedication and hard work it must take to get where they are.

p.s. here is our menu in case you need some ideas to have a party of your own!

-Sweet & Spicy Mixed Nuts
-Spiced edamame
-Spinach & artichoke dip
-Pizza bar (we provide lots of toppings and let everyone make their own)
-Caesar Salad
-Lots of beers from around the world
-Ice Cream bar (make your own creation)

1 comment:

Domestic Bliss & FOUND said...

HELLLLO- when's the party??? You better not post about it if you don't want us to invite ourselves!