Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our wonderful Stacie is leaving us! After two great years at M & Co. Papery, Stacie and her husband are packing up and moving to Vegas. How dare she do this to us! I can tell you that even though she has been forewarning me of this for months now, I cannot believe the time has come. I am so very sad. I have been truly lucky to have found not only a very reliable, loyal and hardworking employee, but a very good friend as well.

I know this is short notice, but Tuesday, December 23rd is Stacie's last day. (sniff, sniff) She didn't even want me to post this now. But I know how much all of our customers have come to know and love her and I want to give you the opportunity to say goodbye.

It will not be the same without Stacie's quirky and lovable personality.

Thank you Stace. You have made my life better by having you in it!


1 comment:

Ninis74 said...

What a nice picture... Merry christmas!