Sunday, July 12, 2009

Whew! It has been a LONG, LONG week! As you know our sale started last Monday and I cannot believe how much has sold over the last week. The furniture has been selling like hot cakes and I am happy to see how many of you have been stocking up on your stationery and invitation supplies. You never know what you might need!

Over the last week the most frequent question I have been getting is what I am going to do next. The unfortunate thing is that I have no idea. I’ll tell you one thing it’s going to be a whole lot of nothing for a long time! I don’t know what life will bring me next but I am sure looking forward to it.

Our sale continues this Monday with 40% off the entire store! There are still a lot of goodies left so come on in and scoop them up. And Domestic Bliss of course has some incredible sale items they keep bringing in. I already have a stock pile of treats I am buying from them.

I asked my husband the other night if it’s possible to be completely depressed AND completely happy at the SAME TIME! That’s how I am feeling right now so if you come in and I seem a little half-brained it’s because I can’t even keep a straight thought in my head for more than 10 seconds. It’s crazy!

I will be posting pics of M & Co. through the years for you see. I am really bummed that I don’t have any pictures of our original tiny spot that we opened in. These are pictures of our last location. Enjoy the memories!



Julie said...

Marlene, I am so sad for you. I know how you loved doing what you do. I DO remember the tiny spot you started out in and the tiny office too. Now we can go to lunch anytime. I am normally off early on Thursdays and all day Friday. have fun just relaxing a little.

Unknown said...

Oh wow!! I forgot how FREAKING cute the store was!!Sooo sad to see it go:( But you're off to reading, gardening, baking, relaxing, and just whatever in the sam heck you want!! And what's better than that... :)